In 2013, our journey began with the establishment of the inaugural No Surrender Adventure Park. The focal point was an extraordinary laser tag arena featuring the ultimate scenario, complemented by a diverse array of popular video games. This marked the inception of a remarkable venture that later expanded with the inauguration of a larger facility in Clovis, CA.
No Surrender Laser Tag and Adventure Park swiftly became a vibrant hub for young adults, offering a dynamic experience that includes a two-story laser tag arena, cutting-edge VR and arcade games with enticing redemption prizes, an exhilarating second-story Ropes Course, and an expansive three-story Adventure Park.
In 2020, a new chapter unfolded with the opening of another location in Fresno, CA—No Surrender Unlimited. This venue introduces the No Surrender Grill, featuring a tantalizing menu. It offers three captivating attractions, including a Ropes Challenge and Adventure Course+Trampoline Arena. Additionally, the space includes eight expandable party rooms, a spacious main dining area, and a welcoming bar.
No Surrender has evolved into the ultimate destination for a variety of celebrations, including birthday parties, corporate events, and sober graduations. Our commitment to providing an exceptional experience for both kids and adults has solidified our reputation as the go-to place for a good time! Keep an eye out for upcoming locations in a city near you.
At the heart of our brand are the core values of FUN, AMBITION, and COMPASSION. We strive to embody these principles in every aspect of the No Surrender experience, ensuring that each visit is not only entertaining but also leaves a lasting and positive impression.